Special needs children Vs Orthodontic treatment

Special needs children Vs Orthodontic treatment

In general the orthodontic treatment is much of a concern among the parents, because of its long term course and food habit changes that is accompanied with it. Parents of a special need child have a lot of added concerns. Their very first question is to whether their child can undergo an orthodontic treatment. Is it possible to be done for them in the first case? The answer is based on many factors, but generally speaking it’s usually a Yes for the most part.

Do you have a special child for consideration of orthodontic treatment? Do visit us for customised treatment modes at Oris Dental Center.

An orthodontic treatment for a childhood phase is really challenging for the course of treatment as such. It requires added cooperation both from the child and parent when it is a special need child. The correction is mostly done to align the teeth by wearing braces, to achieve a functional bite and the best possible profile.

The treatment will involve a lot of planning based on the child’s needs, in order to make the required orthodontic treatment a possibility.

Here are few useful pointers to consider, if you have a child with special needs moving into a phase of orthodontic treatment.

1. Prepare the child both mentally & physically

Show pictures and videos of orthodontic treatment well ahead of the start of the treatment. This will help them have an idea of what is coming up for them in the next one year time period. Help them brush and floss their teeth twice daily, to maintain an excellent oral hygiene, which is the key factor to finish the orthodontic treatment at a faster pace.

2. Ensure to oversee the child throughout the treatment phase

It’s very important to observe and ensure that your child’s braces are kept clean, so as to avoid gum disease, cavities or white spots after the treatment.

3. Food intake

Any food that is hard, crunchy or sticky has to be totally avoided during the course of the treatment. This is because, munching them tend to break the braces. Food and beverages with lot of sugar and acids should be cut down as much as possible. High sugary foods and drinks tend to decalcify teeth, leaving white spots on them after the treatment.

4. Consider alternate treatment to traditional braces

If the child is not ready for an orthodontic appliance, its best to go for removable clear aligners treatment. That’s the most advanced form of correcting mal-aligned teeth in a much more comfortable way. The process is much easier, faster and more efficient. The gum disease and cavities are kept away as proper and regular brushing and flossing is made possible every day.

Overall there is a brief adjustment period required for the child if he/she is taking up the treatment.

It’s best to consult our orthodontist at Oris Dental Center for customised clarifications and forms of treatment.

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