How important is it to replace a missing tooth & dental implants

How important is it to replace a missing tooth & dental implants | Dental Implants In Dubai

Smile is a wonderful expression of happiness for a person and for the people around him. When a
tooth is missing or broken, it is very heart breaking and the person eventually forgets to smile.
We at Oris Dental Center can help restore your beautiful smiles. Come visit us

Missing teeth were being replaced by fixed dentures or partial dentures in earlier days. Although
they are long lasting, they do have their own drawbacks and may require replacement over a period
of time. With more advanced dentistry now, implants play a major role in replacement of missing

Dental implants are small titanium alloys, which can be drilled into the jaw bone, so that the screw
can firmly connect the artificial teeth or any other dental prosthesis to the jaw. Stability and ability
to perform functions like a normal tooth is the main asset of a dental implant.

Cosmetic dentistry which includes a wide range of smile correction by using filling materials like
composite, veneers, crown and dentures or an implant are being welcomed by many patients at any
affordable cost, as per their convenience.

Significance of replacing a missing tooth:
A picture perfect smile is what makes us very attractive at all stages of our life. Be it professional or
social life, a beautiful smile becomes inevitable. Surveys has shown that smile is our greatest asset
and it’s a feature that makes us attractive, irrespective of our age group.
When a tooth is lost, the patient’s confidence to smile and talk is lost. . It has been found that dental
implants are often effective in boosting the patient’s morale and overall confidence. Since there is
not much of a difference seen between a replaced tooth and a natural one after the procedure, it
does affect physical appearance positively.

Oral Health:
When a tooth is lost and the space is left over for a long period of time, the neighbours start to drift
and shift towards the space, causing tilting of the adjacent teeth. When there is a space in the upper
jaw, the corresponding lower tooth starts to migrate upwards towards the empty space.
This could lead to further oral problems down the line, especially if the distorted structure of the
teeth interferes with the patient’s chewing abilities. Bone loss is also inevitable in the lost tooth
region as the bone resorption begins.

The Comfort:
It’s a pleasure to eat when all your teeth are intact, because mouth is the first place where digestion
begin. So relishing, tasting and chewing of food is all possible only when you have all the teeth in
their place.

People who have lost one or two of their teeth tend to give up upon few foods as they are unable to
chew them and relish the taste. So replacing a missing teeth gives a comfortable experience in
eating and relishing food.

Dental prosthesis particularly dental implants can change the life of many patients, proper care and
follow up is necessary for long life time.

Book an appointment with us at Oris Dental Center for more details on treatment and procedures.

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