How Digital Technology Is Revolutionizing Dentistry?

How digital technology is revolutionizing dentistry front

Just like many other global changes happening in most industries, dentistry at Oris has also revolutionized digitally for many processes, towards improving patient care. Understanding and keeping updated with the innovations and changes that are happening in dentistry, helps our patients to be better informed about their dental care, diagnosis and treatment options. With our skilled and experienced dentists at Oris, usage of digital tools are paving pathways for safer and precise dental practice by our team.

These are the few biggest ways, how Oris has been digitalised for the past several years.

Digital X-rays

Digital X-rays 1

Digital X-rays are easier and safer to use because it makes it possible to get excellent imaging with minimal radiation exposure to the patients. Intra-oral digital X-rays are less painful, more comfortable with little or no gag reflexes in most of the patients. The imaging is clear and can be enlarged for a better view. They can be stored digitally for future reference and use. Digital X-rays gives a better comprehensive picture of the patient’s oral health than when done with traditional methods.

dentist showing x ray to patient

CAD-CAM technology

CAD-CAM technology 1

Computer-aided design and Computer-aided manufacturing have become an innovative part of dentistry for many years. Gone are the days when patients had to wait for conventional dental impressions with the sticky material inside the mouth, with a long wait time for the final restorations or dentures. Digital impressions done here are fast, easy and far more comfortable. We at Oris use CAD-CAM designing for inlays, onlays, veneers, dentures, crowns and bridges, implant abutments and even full mouth reconstruction. Final restorations can be done at a single visit, with great accuracy and fit to suit individual patients.

CAD-CAM technology shaping

CBCT – Cone Beam Computed Tomography

CBCT – Cone Beam Computed Tomography

CBCT is a radiographic imaging technique that reproduces accurate, three-dimensional (3D) images of your teeth, soft tissues, nerves, bone and other related structures in a single scan. It is the most advanced methods among the dental diagnostic imaging modalities that have emerged recently over the past few years. CBCT is widely used by our implantalogists, to help in the accurate diagnosis for placement of implants. Helps in surgical planning of impacted teeth, determining bone abnormalities or tumours and assessing painful jaw disorders such as TMJ (Tempero-mandibular joint) by our dental surgeons. It’s also commonly used by our orthodontists, for diagnosis and treatment planning with regards to cephalometric analysis and jaw reconstructive surgeries.

The scanning is painless, radiation exposure is minimal, safe, non-invasive and accurate. A major advantage is its ability to image hard and soft tissues at the same time. A single scan provides a wide variety of views and angles for a comprehensive patient evaluation and treatment planning.

With improved digital technology, our dental team can make an accurate diagnosis and planning to provide fast and excellent care. They make patients more comfortable with less painful procedures, saving a lot of time. We at Oris dental center strive towards imparting better quality care, comfort and convenience for all our patients.

Do visit us for a positive caring digital experience.

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