How to Close Gaps Between Teeth | Oris Dental Centre

What do Pete Davidson, Zac Efron, and Demi Lovato all have in common? They have all chosen to close that gap between their teeth to enhance their smile. It may be common that you or your children may have gaps between teeth. Unfortunately, many people don’t take the steps to enhance their smile due to dental anxiety.

According to a study done by PubMed, 20 out of 49 adults reported tooth gaps (excluding second and third molars), and 12 out of 20 had visible gaps between teeth. Your dentist or orthodontist can definitely tell you whether a gap between your teeth may be a sign of any other medical condition and discuss treatments if you want to make changes to your teeth and smile. There are many reasons for gaps between teeth. Please keep reading to know the causes of gaps between teeth, how to close them, and ways to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

What Causes Gaps Between Teeth?

Those little spaces, often called “diastema,” can be a source of self-consciousness for many individuals. Gaps between teeth can occur for various reasons, and understanding these factors is the first step toward finding the best solution for your specific situation.

1. Genetics: Sometimes, the spacing between teeth is hereditary. If your family members have gaps, you may be more likely to have them, too.

2. Lost Teeth: Gaps can result from missing teeth, causing neighboring teeth to shift and create space.

3. Thumb Sucking or Tongue Thrusting: These habits, especially in childhood, can push teeth out of alignment and lead to gaps.

4. Gum Disease: Periodontal issues can affect the stability of your teeth and create gaps over time.

5. Incorrect Swallowing Reflex: An improper swallowing reflex can put pressure on teeth, leading to gaps.

How to Close Gaps Between Teeth?

1. Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatments are a highly effective way for closing gaps between teeth. Options include:

  • Braces: Traditional braces use wires and brackets to gradually move teeth into their desired positions, closing gaps between in the process.
  • Aligner : These clear aligners offer a discreet alternative to braces and can be effective for closing gaps between teeth.

2. Dental Bonding

Dental bonding involves applying a tooth-colored resin to the gap and then shaping and polishing it to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. This is a quick and non-invasive option for small gaps between teeth.

3. Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are custom-made, thin shells that are permanently bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They can be used as an effective tool for closing gaps and improve the appearance of your smile.

4. Dental Implants

If missing teeth are causing gaps, dental implants are a durable and long-term solution. They replace the missing tooth and fill the gaps between teeth.

5. Retainers

After orthodontic treatment, retainers help maintain the new alignment of your teeth and prevent gaps from reappearing.

How to Prevent Gaps Between Teeth

Preventing gaps between teeth involves maintaining good oral hygiene and being aware of habits that may contribute to their development.

1. Regular Dental Check-Ups

Visiting your dentist regularly ensures that any potential issues are identified early and treated promptly.

2. Orthodontic Evaluation

Consider an orthodontic evaluation for you and your child. Identifying and addressing alignment issues at a young age can prevent gaps between teeth from forming.

3. Good Oral Habits

Encourage your child to stop thumb-sucking or tongue-thrusting habits, which can impact tooth alignment.

4. Periodontal Care

Proper gum care and treatment of gum disease can help maintain tooth stability.

5. Use of Dental Appliances

If recommended by your dentist, use dental appliances like retainers to prevent gaps between teeth from reoccurring.

6. Crown Treatment

Consider crown treatment as a preventive measure for severely damaged or weakened teeth after consulting with your dentist.

Do You Need a Dentist? – Let Us Help You!

Suppose you are more concerned about the gaps between teeth and are still determining the best solution for that situation. In that case, Oris Dental Centre can provide expert guidance and personalized treatment options for you. Our experienced team of dentists is always committed to helping you achieve a confident and healthy smile.

Remember, addressing gaps between teeth not only enhances your appearance but also improves your oral health. Whether you choose orthodontic treatment, dental bonding, veneers, or another option, taking action can lead to a brighter, more confident future. Contact Oris Dental Centre today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward closing gaps between teeth and achieving the smile you’ve always wanted. So, are you ready for the perfect smile?


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